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No 25

Y’all I painted so much this weekend I think I grew back my carpal tunnel surgery repairs. (Is that even possible)? My wrists are on fire though for real!!!

I have had a big painting project due soon, (Which has been funny working on it at the same time as these very small projects), it’s in acrylic and these are oil. As the end is approaching for both I’m feeling a little bit in the “I’m so over it mood” - but there are just a few days left so I will endure. I am heading out of town today for business so don’t look for the next two days paintings on the next two days LOL -  I’ll have to catch up when I get back. In the meantime if you’re feeling like a tree standing all alone... remember your strong base and all the other parts of your world that support your growth. How’s that for words of wisdom. But really keep your head up guys APRIL, is almost here WAHOO 🌱